All Donors

Lynn Gettenberg $1,800.00
Bilhah Moradi $1,800.00
Anonymous Sponsor $1,500.00
Raquel Ghadamian $1,005.00
Racheli Hahn $1,000.00
Devora Mandel $750.00
Leahle Attias $520.00
Outsource USA - Sari & Avigdor Cyperstein $502.50
Sherry Majeski $501.00
Rifky Mitnick $500.00
Julie Attias $500.00
Fradie Rapp $500.00
Arielle Wolfson $500.00
In honor of the amazing Moradis!
Esther Marciano $500.00
Raizel Feder $500.00
Evan Genack $500.00
Esti Stahler $500.00
Braha Schulhof $500.00
Leah Einhorn $420.00
Malkie Spitz $360.00
Chaya Cohen $360.00
Lauren Zuckerman $360.00
Esrher Goodman $360.00
Yehudis Schwartz $360.00
Cheryl Luisa Hanan $300.00
Ayelet Attias $252.50
Michal Moradi $252.50
Aviva Eisenberg $250.00
Annette Klein $250.00
Lara Spitz $250.00
Shavy Schlossberg $250.00
Devorah Dreifus $250.00
Heddy Klein $250.00
Nachamah Jacobovits $250.00
Perie Hirshaut $250.00
Esther Rosenkranz $250.00
Sima Rosenfeld $250.00
Raizy Goldberg $250.00
Adina Frisch $220.00
Yael Elias $200.00
Rayzee Brecher $180.00
Helene Gerber $180.00
Yonina Stern $180.00
Susie Friedman $180.00
Laya Gelbtuch $180.00
Jane Seidemann $180.00
Esther Ruzorsky $180.00
Edith Lebovits $180.00
Sandy Majeski $180.00
Nechama Katz $180.00
Beth Honig $180.00
Alisa Berger $180.00
Chaviva Travis $160.00
Sheila And Alan Shapiro $155.00
Bella Rubin $155.00
Aliza Mitnick $150.00
Mark Gold $150.00
Devorah Feltman $150.00
Michelle Weiss $150.00
Refuah Shelemah to Moshe Ben Maryam Yehudit
Dina And Moshe Teichman $150.00
May Hashem continue to BLESS all of the very special women on the team! Tizku L’mitzvos!
Gitty Birnbaum $150.00
Michael Schattner $150.00
Batya Goldstein $150.00
Alex Parnes $150.00
Sima Elyas $150.00
Pessi Schonfeld $150.00
Ahuva Kesherim $150.00
Leah Wilheim $150.00
Beth Rapp $150.00
Hildy Wolf $150.00
Rivka Rafael $140.00
Zipora Roubeni $100.00
Altchie Pelcovitz $100.00
Tizku Lmitzvot-Altchie
Avi & Bracha Schwartz $85.00
Autumn Lido Mael $55.00
Chaya Feldstein $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $30.00