All Donors
Lynn Gettenberg
Bilhah Moradi
Anonymous Sponsor
Raquel Ghadamian
Racheli Hahn
Devora Mandel
Leahle Attias
Outsource USA - Sari & Avigdor Cyperstein
Sherry Majeski
Rifky Mitnick
Julie Attias
Fradie Rapp
Arielle Wolfson
In honor of the amazing Moradis!
Esther Marciano
Raizel Feder
Evan Genack
Esti Stahler
Braha Schulhof
Leah Einhorn
Malkie Spitz
Chaya Cohen
Lauren Zuckerman
Esrher Goodman
Yehudis Schwartz
Cheryl Luisa Hanan
Ayelet Attias
Michal Moradi
Aviva Eisenberg
Annette Klein
Lara Spitz
Shavy Schlossberg
Devorah Dreifus
Heddy Klein
Nachamah Jacobovits
Perie Hirshaut
Esther Rosenkranz
Sima Rosenfeld
Raizy Goldberg
Adina Frisch
Yael Elias
Rayzee Brecher
Helene Gerber
Yonina Stern
Susie Friedman
Laya Gelbtuch
Jane Seidemann
Esther Ruzorsky
Edith Lebovits
Sandy Majeski
Nechama Katz
Beth Honig
Alisa Berger
Chaviva Travis
Sheila And Alan Shapiro
Bella Rubin
Aliza Mitnick
Mark Gold
Devorah Feltman
Michelle Weiss
Refuah Shelemah to Moshe Ben Maryam Yehudit
Dina And Moshe Teichman
May Hashem continue to BLESS all of the very special women on the team! Tizku L’mitzvos!
Gitty Birnbaum
Michael Schattner
Batya Goldstein
Alex Parnes
Sima Elyas
Pessi Schonfeld
Ahuva Kesherim
Leah Wilheim
Beth Rapp
Hildy Wolf
Rivka Rafael
Zipora Roubeni
Altchie Pelcovitz
Tizku Lmitzvot-Altchie
Avi & Bracha Schwartz
Autumn Lido Mael
Chaya Feldstein
Anonymous Sponsor