All Donors
Rachel Kaufman
It should be a zchus for you Malky
Malkie Flusberg
Anonymous Sponsor
Anonymous Sponsor
Rayna Rabinowitz
In honor of Malkie!!
Miriam Kramer
In honor of Malkie- thanks for the zechus! May we b’eh be dancing at each others simchos this year!
Rochelle Souid
Rabbi Yaakov And Rebbetzin Sarah Shulman
B'vracha u'b'hatzlacha!
Marlene And Dale Bergman
Miriam Berger
Chagit Guttman
May it be a zechus for you Malkie!!
Rita Mizrahi
Raquel Harary
In honor of malki!! Tizki lemitzvot!
Kelly Drs G
Mazal Erani
Tizku Lamitzvot!
Marion Cohen
Anonymous Sponsor
May all your efforts be a zchus for many joyous days ahead for you and all Am Yisrael
Mimi Halberstam
Judy Lande