All Donors

Shani Braun $1,800.00
Yisroel Meir & Avivit Mikhli $500.00
Chanie Schon $500.00
Go Nechy! So proud of you!
Randi Sina $250.00
Danielle Wolfset $180.00
Go Nechy!!! You're amazing!
Esti Birnbaum $180.00
Tzipora Josephs $155.00
Goldie Nathan $150.00
In honor of Avivit thanks for all you do! Tizku lemitzvot!
Zippy Fodiman $120.00
In celebration of Chen and Max's wedding. In honor of Nechy Eisenstadt.
Miriam Eisenstadt $100.00
Go Mommy!
Rochel Mermelstein $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $45.00